Zenzic will be exhibiting on day 2 of Smarter Tomorrow, which is the event for local government professionals tasked with building smarter and more resilient places for stronger communities.
Cities, travel & streets are key areas where emerging technologies are improving towns and cities for the benefit of all. You can book your ticket here. Topics for 2019 include:
- Infrastructure optimisation and prioritisation
- Decarbonising passenger and freight transport
- Dynamic use of the kerbside, parking streets and public space
- New tools for integrating transport and urban planning
- Mapping and wayfinding
- Smarter travel choices
- Improving public engagement and communication
Not only will Zenzic be exhibiting on Thursday 24 October, but Tristan Bacon, Research Associate at Zenzic, is presenting the UK Connected and Automated Mobility Roadmap to 2030. Tristan is presenting in the Smarter Streets seminar room at 11.30am. The roadmap presents a single vision that shows dependencies, focuses on investment and articulates the path to scaling capabilities and technologies globally. You can book a meeting with him in advance for a 1-2-1 session to find your bespoke route through the roadmap here.