Zenzic holds a unique position within UK CAM ecosystem and can build on that foundation to deliver insights and guidance to enable the ecosystem to seize opportunities and collaborate to deliver innovative solutions.
The UK CAM Roadmap provides consensus and guidance for a complex and connected ecosystem, enabling the identification of what needs to happen, and by when, to achieve the vision of CAM at scale in the UK. It is used by businesses, investors, and legislators to inform and support decision making with evidence and insights into a cross-discipline ecosystem.
The UK CAM Roadmap sits under the Insights pillar of Zenzic. This pillar holds an informed strategic vision and our strategic research for the UK CAM ecosystem providing clarity and direction to help accelerate the development of these transformative technologies and services.
The Strategic Research undertaken by Zenzic is there to provide insights and evidence across the CAM ecosystem – for government, industry, and academia. Zenzic’s unique position within the UK CAM ecosystem enables greater information and data gathering to provide informed guidance – generating a deeper understanding of UK capabilities, strengths, and opportunities.
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