The Autocouncil are working to understand the challenges faced in the CAM sector in recruiting specialist talent. You can support this information gathering by completing the survey below
Approximate time to complete: 10 minutes
Current Pain Points
Eight questions
Sources of Hiring
Five questions
Actvities for Skills Scouting
Two questions
Company Values and Culture
Nine questions
We will use this information to generate the following insights.
Firstly, we will share non-confidential insights from the survey with all respondents to help give your recruitment activities a boost in the near term.
Secondly, we will develop recommendations for Industry and Government action to improve CAM Skills supply and recruitment in the medium term,
We will then present these to the relevant Industry forums and Government teams for consideration. We intend that hope both of these steps will help your companies access the talent they you need and deserve for future growth
The Automotive Council is an advisory body co-chaired by Industry and Government to promote growth of UK Automotive industry for the benefit of the UK.
To learn more about the Automotive Council, follow the link below.
Please consider sending this survey page to people within your network, and help us to collect a wide range of data as we construct an updated report for industry.
If you have any questions, you can get in touch with us below.
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